APTRI Center for R&D
APTRI Center for R&D is dedicated to research and development in technical and policy relevant studies on all aspects of energy and power. To achieve its goals, the center undertakes:
- Scholarly research
- Policy-oriented research
- Sharing Knowledge and research findings
- Industry-Academics interface
- Collaborative R&D
The Center for R&D (CR&D) has initiated its R&D activities to look beyond typical operational and project management aspects and instead focus on creating organizational ability for innovation, collaboration and building a network of partners for Research & Development.
The APTRI CR&D aims at taking up R&D projects in order to contribute towards bridging the technology gap across various segments of the power sector and achieving sustainability. The aim is to either improve the design of an individual plant component or evolve cost efficient processes. R&D projects also take advantage of the advances in Renewable Energy Technologies and take up hybrid projects capable of delivering higher efficiency of operation and integration including hybrid Solar, Thermal, Business Intelligence, Fleet management, ICT to improve control & instrumentation system, data acquisition system and monitoring of system performance parameters for optimum decision making.

R&D activities
Collaborative research in a phased manner is needed to build expertise, find solutions for the problems existing in the system as well as for resolving future problems. The academia has immense potential for taking up research projects based on industry problems. APTRI has also opened knowledge exchange forums with IITs and other reputed colleges as well as research institutes.

APTRI has established linkages with other training and research institutes for knowledge sharing, faculty exchange and resource utilization leading to better dissemination of knowledge and solutions for critical problems faced by the power industry.
Modelling Boiler Tube Erosion due to flue gas components
IIT Gandhinagar
Thermal power plant flue gas based Algel biodiesel pilot plant
CSIR, Bhavnagar
UAV based asset mapping
Wireless power transfer
GE Global Energy Research Centre, Bangalore
Silica extraction from coal fly ash
Smart system for large SPV plant monitoring & survey
APTRI & IISc, Bangalore
3D Printing
IOT, Data Analytics & Robotics
APTRI & Phi Robotics
CFD Based Modelling & Simulation for performance analysis and problem solutions
ZEUS Numerix
APTRI firmly believes in the need for embedding elements of sustainability in any development or expansion activity or initiative. The immense potential of conservation and synergy available in team work & collaborations is thus tapped so as to realize the enhanced usage of resources, thereby avoiding repetitions and duplication of activities. APTRI has entered into strategic associations with several premier institutions and research organizations in India and abroad across different sectors for sharing and gaining access to knowledge, laboratory resources and allied infrastructure.
for more information, Please refer to the Affiliations section.

APTRI offers performance consultancy services in the areas of supercritical & subcritical thermal power plants, solar power plants, solar cell manufacturing, HVDC/HVAC power transmission, electricity distribution and change management, covering:
- Design, Engineering, EPC and O&M
- Protection and Automation
- Training & Development
- Competency mapping
- Energy Management System (EMS)